🏫 Mount Holyoke College (MHC)
In 2023, I was appointed as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics. I initially taught laboratory courses while providing some guest lectures, but began teaching lectures courses in January 2025:
- PHYS-110 (Force, Motion, and Energy)
- PHYS-110L (Force, Motion, and Energy Laboratory)
- PHYS-201L (Electromagnetism – Laboratory)
- PHYS-290/390 (Advanced Laboratory Practicum)
- PHYS-311 (Computational Physics Laboratory)
- PHYS-315 (Analytical Mechanics)
During my first year, I developed an internal web portal for introductory physics laboratory course information for students including experimental apparatus, procedural details, and software demonstrations. In my second year, I focused created a scaffolding approach to laboratory report writing, providing more pre-filled report templates and gradually evaluating the completion of report elements by the end of the course.
🏫 Becker College
While working on my doctoral research from Fall 2017 to Spring 2020, I taught introductory physics as an Adjunct Faculty for the Department of Natural Sciences, which included lab components:
- PHYS2001 (Physics I – Mechanics)
- PHYS2002 (Physics II – Electromagnetism)
During this time I applied different teaching and evaluation strategies, particularly those involving flipped-classroom approaches. I developed an asynchronous course format which was advantageous for the non-traditional students and for the remote hybridization needed in 2020 due to COVID-19, and integrated open-access textbooks and other learning materials to ensure students had universal access to content they needed.
🏫 Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
I began instructing conference sessions for the Department of Mathematics as an undergraduate Peer-Learning Assistant in 2010:
- MA1024 (Calculus IV)
- MA2051 (Ordinary Differential Equations)
I apparently received anonymous praises on RateMyProfessor. During this time I also hosted 1-on-1 and group tutored various mathematics and physics courses in the Academic Resources Center.
As I started my graduate work in the Department of Physics in 2013, I served as a Teaching Assistant for numerous courses over a few years:
- PH1010/1011 (Fundamentals/Principles of Mechanics)
- PH1020/1021 (Fundamentals/Principles of Electromagnetism)
- PH1030 (Modern Physics)
- PH1040 (Waves and Oscillations)
- PH2651 (Intermediate Physics Laboratory)
For these courses I primarily instructed conferences and laboratory classes. I received the department’s annual “Outstanding Teaching Assistant” award in 2015 and 2016, as well as an inaugural “Outstanding Undergraduate Mentor” award in 2017. Near the end of my TA experience I had the opportunity to organize an overhaul of the undergraduate laboratory curriculum and resources. Graduate students provided input on the process based on their experiences teaching in the labs which culminated in a complete remake of the lab instruction website that was more comprehensive, relevant, and accessible for students.
In 2018, I briefly served as an Adjunct Instructor and taught lecture and conference portions of a few courses:
- PH1011 (Principles of Mechanics)
- PH1021 (Principles of Electromagnetism)
- PH111X (Studio Physics – Mechanics)
Studio Physics was a pilot format for the department which used a flipped-classroom approach and blended traditional lecture with hands-on active learning strategies, including group problems and mini-labs. This new format was found to enhance student learning outcomes and provide students with more of a connection to the material.