Online Resources

I aim to utilize freely accessible and evidence-based teaching materials and strategies where possible within my courses, and I highly recommend these for anyone to use in their own coursework or intellectual pursuits.

🧰 Teaching Tools

  • PollEverywhere – This is a free to use web service for up to 25 responses (with pricing options for additional responses and features) to create interactive questions or surveys which students can join through a web browser on any device or even texting.

📓 Curriculum Resources

  • OpenStax Science Texts – OpenStax is an online resource of freely accessible, peer-reviewed, high school and university-level textbooks across many disciplines; their science selection includes algebra- and calculus-based physics texts.
  • Physlets – This digital library curated by AAPT ComPADRE group is full of physics instruction, demo and interactive simulations, and review questions for a large span of introductory physics topics. The simulations are based in Java and free and easy to use to supplement concept learning.

🧮 Computational Resources

  • WolframAlpha – A free, online, computational “knowledge engine”. Essentially an online calculator with encyclopedic knowledge, allowing for loose phrasing (within a scope of syntax) when referencing known constants and functions.